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(explanatory video) 
Horn Torus - 'Geometry Of Everything' by Wolfgang Daeumler
intellectual game to reveal engrams of dimensional thinking
and proposal for a different approach to physical questions
- thought experiment as an exercise for abstraction ability
and attempt to describe 'fundamental entities' colloquially
a small selection of short excerpts from
DornTorus (German)
manuscript 7/1988, printed 1996-98, translation provisional
a very short summery can be found on 'mathematical universe'
1. The Elimination Of Emptiness -
a short creation story
2. How did Emptiness count numbers? -
quintessence of idleness
3. Mental leaps -
time is redundant
4. Has time a direction? -
what means time reversal?
5. Real or imaginary world? -
imagination and decision made easy
6. Engrams -
impediment to comprehension
7. Dynamic geometry -
renunciation of dimensionality
8. Spatial point -
without dimensions - what in the world is that?
9. Analogies -
dynamic geometry versus physical entities
10. Identifications -
unrolling lines versus reference objects of physicists
11. Examples -
a sneak peek as teaser
12. Dimensionality -
not a physical term!
13. Gravitation and forces -
intrinsic times and matter of rotation
14. Patterns and strings -
of winding lines and tiny snippets
15. Metric -
when dynamic processes induce discrete values
16. Grand unification -
in plain common speech
17. .....
all texts in one file as
docx or as
The horn torus, we discuss here, shall not be seen as something like a three-dimensional solid figure!
Horn tori are not embedded in our three-dimensional world, but span a dynamic space of their own.
In the pure analogous model they only symbolise manifold intrinsic properties of complex numbers:
as dynamised entities they bear highest symmetry, creative capabilities and incredible complexity,
so the good old Riemann sphere better should be replaced by the much more universal horn torus!
The horn torus model is not a consistent physical or mathematical theory.
Regard it as suggestion to leave fixed habits of conventional mainstream thinking now and then.
Playfully, just for fun! - Sometimes crackpot ideas inspire ...
The matter is intended to be an exciting game, to exercise imaginative power
and ability to think in abstract terms (helpful for understanding physics ;-)
mathematical rules exist 'all the time' since there is more than nothing
in other words: mathematical rules are involved in creating the universe
or: emerging of a mathematical rule is equivalent to well-known Big Bang
nature is mathematical, one mathematical code rules our world
that code and mathematics in itself definitely are not inventions of humans -
we only have developed a complex language to describe simple preexisting laws!
we still are far away from seeing the simplicity in natural laws, but we know:
all really fundamental physical laws are pure mathematics
and it's impossible to comprehend laws of nature without playing the math game
mystic, spiritual and all esoteric reflections do not lead to true knowledge -
like it or lump it - so clear away the space-occupying rubbish in the brains!
[author] © 1996...2020 
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